NC Advocat places particular emphasis on meeting your requirements. Our law firm is by your side, be it for an appointment so that you know your rights or for legal recourse meant to impose your interest, either as a plaintiff or as a defendant.

A personalised and humane approach

NC Advocat is a law firm that offers legal advice. Here, traditional file management goes hand in hand with a modern view of client-lawyer relations.


Or mission does not only consist of carrying out legal services on behalf of our clients. NC Advocat also specialises in solving conflicts and providing counsel and risk-prevention for your future projects. It is this personalised approach, which allows for establishing client-lawyer relations based on mutual trust and contributes to providing the best services possible.

Trust and transparence...

…when dealing with your file


During your file’s life, NC Advocat will give you a regular update on its progress and be absolutely transparent with you.

We are at your disposal for any additional information you might require and will happily explain to you the different steps your lawyer has taken, as well as the different stages of the legal process.


Our legal team is available to study your situation by email, telephone or video via Microsoft Teams every day during our office hours.

    16, rue Beck / Coin
    95 Grand-Rue
    1222 Luxembourg

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