Employer Labor Law

We assist employers on a daily basis

Understanding and applying the Labor Code

Our experts help you understand your rights and obligations.


An employer’s responsibilities are numerous. Every day, you must navigate labor law to fulfill your missions and achieve your objectives. To make things easier, our law firm assists you with its expertise. This enables you to better grasp the intricacies of the Labor Code and the rights of employees or employers.

From the hiring of an employee, our experts advise you and answer all your questions. From drafting employment contracts to managing a workplace accident and dismissing an employee, we are by your side. If you wish to sanction an employee for their behavior, our lawyers inform you of your rights to impose a disciplinary sanction and its nature.

However, the employer is required to inform the employee and ensure the quality of life at the workplace. Therefore, we guide you to fully comply with the current legislation. This is particularly the case during a dismissal for a real and serious cause.

Our team is at your disposal for the following questions:

  • Drafting all types of employment contracts: permanent contract (CDI), fixed-term contract (CDD), etc.;
  • Clauses: mobility clause, training clause, variable salary clause, duty of loyalty, etc.;
  • Working hours: full-time, part-time, overtime, etc.;
  • Employee rights: work relations, maternity leave, paid leave, right to training, etc.;
  • Contract modification;
  • Occupational illness;
  • Termination of the employment contract: economic dismissal, dismissal for unfitness, dismissal for gross misconduct, etc.

If you are forced to initiate dismissal proceedings against an employee who does not fulfill their obligations or commits infractions, our experts evaluate the situation with you. This way, you ensure compliance with the Labor Code and, if applicable, the provisions of the collective agreement.

With NC Advocat, you anticipate risks, protect your business, and thus avoid any legal action by the concerned employee. Whether you decide to implement a mutual agreement termination, disciplinary dismissal, or dismissal following a workplace accident, we will help you follow the essential steps to ensure the contract termination occurs under the best conditions.

Defending your interests and reputation in court

If legal action is inevitable, our experts accompany you.


In various situations, conflicts between employer and employees end up in court. If we have not managed to avoid the conflict, our experts handle your case and defend you before all competent jurisdictions such as the Labor Court or the Court of Appeal.

Whatever the cause of the conflict, we provide you with advice to safeguard your interests. The lawyers at our firm are personally involved in each employer labor law case, assist you, and help you achieve your goals.

We intervene in the following areas:

  • Dismissal with real and serious cause;
  • Economic dismissal: advice on redeployment, rehiring, and severance payments;
  • Dismissal for unfitness: Implementation of medical examinations with the occupational physician, etc.;
  • Dismissal for misconduct: dismissal for gross misconduct, precautionary suspension, etc.;
  • Work accidents, occupational diseases, psychosocial risks, etc.

The firm’s lawyers are available for any study of your situation in Luxembourg or Metz. Contact us by email or phone. Within 48 hours, we guarantee a response to your request. We are at your disposal every day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM to ensure your case is handled promptly.


Our legal team is available to study your situation by email, telephone or video via Microsoft Teams every day during our office hours.

    16, rue Beck / Coin
    95 Grand-Rue
    1222 Luxembourg

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